Head injuries

A strong blow to the head may cause bruising in the brain tissue.
Symptoms of a head injury
Symptoms of a mild head injury include headache, nausea and vomiting, dizziness and drowsiness. The person who has suffered a head injury may lose consciousness for a moment, or experience a short-term memory loss, particularly related to the time of the event. The person might also have a weakened sense of time and place.
A severe head injury may lead to unconsciousness.
First aid for a head injury
Check that the person injured is awake or can be woken up.
Are they breathing normally?
Does the person remember what happened and where they are?
Is there a visible head injury?
If the symptoms are mild, monitor the condition of the person.
During the night following the event, the person must be woken up 1–2 times. If they do not wake up, call 112.
In severe situations
Call 112 immediately.
Secure the basic vital functions (breathing and bloodstream).
If the injured person cannot be woken up but is breathing normally, turn them into the recovery position.
Call the general emergency number 112 in an emergency.
Follow these instructions when making the emergency call
First aid instructions: removing a foreign object