Help from Youth Shelters
There is a solution to every problem. We offer help for young people and their loved ones locally in different cities and throughout Finland online by appointment. Our Youth Shelters are located in five cities: Espoo, Helsinki, Vantaa, Tampere and Turku.
Youth Shelters help around the clock, every day of the year. We can offer a young person a safe place to spend the night, if necessary, and help by means of discussion. The family members of a young person can also receive help in matters related to parenting, for example.
I can talk to someone about my issues when I don’t really have anyone else to talk to.
Who can receive help from Youth Shelters?
If you are a young person or a loved one of a young person and need support managing everyday life, family conflicts or other problems, you can receive help at our Youth Shelters. Your problem can be big or small, we are here for you.
Contact us online, book an appointment online, call us whenever you need to or come directly to one of our Youth Shelters. You can come to our Youth Shelters on your own initiative and without an appointment. Our help is free of charge.
Contact your nearest Youth Shelter. Together, we can come up with ways to best help you or your loved one. We can arrange a meeting at a time that suits you, also in the evenings if necessary.
Support and activities throughout Finland online
We also offer discussion support and support for becoming independent online. You can attend 1–10 online meetings. We also offer sexual health guidance online.
You can book an online meeting from anywhere in Finland. Appointments are available every weekday without delay. Online meetings are free of charge. Book an online meeting here.
In addition to support, we offer peer activity opportunities online. You can find further information on peer activity opportunities here.
What kind of support can I get?
You can ask us about anything related to adolescence or parenting, from everyday situations to major life crises. By means of discussion, we can find the solutions that work for you. All discussions are held in a safe environment.
You can get help e.g. with problems within your family, loneliness and other relationship issues or challenges with your daily rhythm or studies. We also help young people with moving out on their own and becoming independent.
Youth Shelters can provide you with
We provide discussion support in order to assist young people and their loved ones. Together with a young person, their family, the immediate community and other parties offering their support, we will look for suitable solutions. Parents also receive support in matters concerning parenting. We can meet the young person alone or together with their loved ones.
Sometimes, a short discussion is enough to resolve a problematic situation, but we will lend our ears for however long is needed. Discussion support is also available outside the Youth Shelter, by phone or online.
Contact us by phone
Go to the Sekasin chat service for young people (in Finnish)
Go to the Sekasin chat service for young people (in Swedish)
Experiences of discussion support
“Talking has been a great help, although some situations are naturally such that it is difficult to offer solutions straight away. I myself have been able to realise many things simply through talking.”
“I feel like our mutual trust has increased. The meetings have also allowed us to spend time with each other without rushing, which has been an improvement.”
“I have been allowed to talk about what I have had in mind at the time. Even when it was not the original reason for my visit.”
When disagreements between a young person and their loved ones escalate, or, for some other reason, a young person is in need of a safe place to spend the night, we can offer temporary accommodation as needed.
We plan the objectives and practices of temporary accommodation together with the young person and their immediate community. In connection with the temporary accommodation, we offer discussion support to the young person and their loved ones.
Temporary accommodation of minors is agreed together with the young person and their guardian. To ensure a safe environment for all young people, the temporary accommodation is an intoxicant-free space.
Experiences of temporary accommodation
“We were able to defuse an explosive situation.”
“The situation demanded open discussion and support. It is available here.”
“The shelter offered us time and the situation calmed down.”
We will help a young person correct a disrupted circadian rhythm that is interfering with their school performance and daily life in general. We will support the young person and their loved ones in finding improved ways of acting in their everyday lives.
We plan the objectives and practices of fixing sleep patterns together with the young person and their immediate community. The young person can find their rhythm both at the temporary accommodation and at home.
In connection with fixing sleep patterns, we offer discussion support to the young person and their loved ones. We will cooperate with the young person, their loved ones, the school or educational institution and other actors supporting the young person.
Experiences of fixing sleep patterns
“I was worried about my daughter’s coping and lack of sleep. My daughter was able to fix the issues quickly with your help. A young person is not always eager to listen to their mother, so external support is a great help. Thank you for the exceptional service.”
“I have been able to fix my sleeping pattern and find it easier to go to school in the morning.”
Go to the support in becoming independent page here.
We help adolescents and young adults in transitioning to an independent life. We provide support e.g. with coping and housing.
Our support for becoming independent entails regular meetings with the young person. We offer discussion support and strengthen the skills of independent living.
We support the young person in becoming independent based on their individual situation. We cooperate with the young person, their loved ones and other actors supporting the young person.
A young person becoming independent can also receive a Red Cross volunteer as a support mentor. Some young people who have received support with becoming independent have later volunteered at a Youth Shelter themselves.
The Eteenpäin project provides nationwide digital and in-person support to 18–25-year-old young people who are starting to become independent.
Experiences from support for becoming independent
“I have leaned to know myself and I know how to take care of things. I am independent.”
“We have both received necessary support as much as we have needed, and independent living has got off to a good start. We can also call the service again if the need arises in the future.”
“My child got help with official matters and emotional support.”
Printable brochure on support for becoming independent (PDF)
In the Sekasin chat service , young people can talk to reliable adults about anything that may be on their minds (this service is only in Finnish).
The Sekasin chat is open every day of the year: Monday to Friday from 9 am to midnight and weekends and holidays from 3 pm to midnight. The Sekasin chat is coordinated by MIELI Mental Health Finland, the Finnish Red Cross, the Settlement movement and SOS-Lapsikylä.
The Suhteellista online environment allows a young person and their loved ones to discuss life and its relationships and challenges. Support can be accessed by individuals either alone or together with loved ones.
We help in many languages
Det finns alltid något man kan göra
Behöver du hjälp i en svår livssituation? Har du problem hemma eller någon annanstans som du vill att ska åtgärdas?
Ta kontakt med De ungas skyddshus. Hos oss får du alltid hjälp, avgiftsfritt
och snabbt.
I De ungas skyddshus får ungdomar och föräldrar hjälp av Röda Korsets yrkesutbildade anställda och frivilliga.
Hjälp och råd dygnet runt
Du kan fråga oss vad som helst om ungdom eller föräldraskap. Vi hjälper i olika problem med allt från vardagliga situationer till livets kriser.
Tillfällig inkvartering
Vi erbjuder ungdomar ett tryggt nattkvarter vid behov. Vi hjälper ungdomar och deras familjer att hitta lättnad och lösningar på utmanande livssituationer.
Vi stöder och hjälper ungdomar och deras familjer genom diskussion. Vi söker lösningar tillsammans med de unga, deras familjer och andra aktörer som stöder dem. Också föräldrar får stöd av oss i frågor som gäller föräldraskap. Ibland kan det räcka med ett kort samtal, men vi lyssnar så länge och så många gånger det behövs.
Sömnrytmen i ordning
Vi hjälper ungdomar att återställa dygnsrytmen så att både skolgången och den övriga vardagen underlättas.
Stöd för självständighet
Vi hjälper den unga personen med att flytta till en egen bostad och börja ett självständigt liv.
Stöd på nätet
Vi medverkar i chatten Sekasin, där ungdomar kan diskutera med tillförlitliga vuxna om vad de än grubblar över.
Lokalt stöd och frivilligverksamhet
Vi bedriver medborgarverksamhet som stärker ungdomars och familjers välbefinnande. Vi erbjuder möjligheter att vara med och göra världen till en bättre plats.
There is a solution to every problem
Do you need help in sorting out something in your life? Is there something going on at home or elsewhere that you would like to change?
Contact the Youth Shelter. You can receive help from us quickly and free of charge.
Red Cross professionals and volunteers help young people and their parents at the Youth Shelter. Help and guidance is available around the clock.
You can ask us about anything related to adolescence or parenting. We help people deal with various types of problems, be it an every day occurrence or an emergency.
Temporary accommodation
If necessary, a young person can spend the night at our shelter. We assist young people and families in finding help and solutions in challenging situations.
Discussion support
We provide discussion support in order to assist young people and their families. Together with a young person, their family and other parties offering their support, we will look for suitable solutions. Also parents can receive help from us with parenting.
Sometimes, a short discussion is enough to resolve a problematic situation, but we will lend our ears for however long is needed.
Fixing a sleep pattern
We will help a young person correct a disrupted circadian rhythm that is interfering with their school performance and daily life in general.
Support for independent living
We help young people with moving out on their own and becoming independent.
Support online
We are part of the chat project Sekasin, where young people can talk to reliable adults about anything that may be on their minds.
Local support and volunteer activities
We conduct civic activities that enhance the well-being of young people and families. We provide opportunities for people to make the world a better place.
Please contact us or pay us a visit.
Youth Shelter brochure in English
Выход есть всегда
Тебе нужна помощь в сложной ситуации? Испытываешь проблемы дома или в другом месте и хочешь их решить?
Обратись в Подростковый приют. Мы поможем быстро и бесплатно.
В Подростковом приюте молодым людям и родителям помогают специалисты и волонтеры Красного Креста. Помощь и поддержка оказываются круглосуточно.
Нам можно задать любой вопрос, связанный с жизнью подростка и воспитанием детей. Мы помогаем решать разные проблемы – от сложных бытовых ситуаций до жизненных кризисов.
Временный ночлег
При необходимости мы предоставляем подростку безопасное место для ночлега. Помогаем подросткам и их семьям найти выход и решение в сложных жизненных ситуациях.
Психологическая помощь
В качестве оказания помощи подростку и его семье мы проводим с ними поддерживающие беседы. Вместе ищем способы решения проблем – с подростком, его семьей и с организациями, которые участвуют в помощи молодым людям. Родители также могут обращаться к нам по вопросам, связанным с воспитанием детей.
Бывает, что для решения вопроса достаточно одной короткой беседы. Однако при необходимости мы готовы слушать так долго и столько раз, сколько необходимо.
Налаживание суточного режима
Мы помогаем подростку наладить суточный режим, нарушение которого негативно сказывается на учебе в школе и повседневной жизни в целом.
Помощь на этапе перехода ко взрослой жизни
Мы помогаем подросткам с переездом в отдельное жилье и переходом к самостоятельной жизни.
К нам можно обратиться в чате Sekasin. Этот чат создан для того, чтобы подросток мог поговорить в нем с надежным взрослым человеком на любую волнующую его тему.
Местная поддержка и волонтеры
Мы занимаемся гражданской деятельностью с целью укрепления благополучия подростков и их семей. Предлагаем возможность присоединиться к нашей работе и сделать мир лучше.
Контактная информация и адреса наших отделений, куда можно прийти, указаны ниже.
Waxkasta waxbaa laga sameyn karaa
Caawimaad ma u baahantahay si aad uga gungaarto xaaladda nololeed? Guriga ama meel kale miyeey ka jiraan arrimo aad rabi laheyd in wax laga beddelo?
La xiriir guriga ammaanka Dhallinyarada. Caawimaad lacag la’aan ah ayaad degdeg nooga heleysaa.
Guriga ammaanka dhallinyarada waxaa da’yarta iyo ja waalidkaba ku caawiya mutadawaciinta iyo xirfadlayaasha Laanqeyrta Cas.
Caawimaad iyo talobixin afar iyo labaatanka saac ah
Waxaad na weydiin kartaa waxkasta oo ku saabsan arrimaha dhallinyaranimada iyo waalidnimada. Waxaan gacan ka geysanaa dhibaatooyin kala duduwan oo ku saabsan xaaladaha nololmaalmeedka joogtada ah iyo xasaradaha nolosha.
Deegaanka kumeelgaar ah
Waxaan da’yarka siineynaa haddii loo baahdo meel nabad ah oo habeenki seexdo. Dhallinyarada iyo qoysaskaba waxaan ka caawineynaa in ay xaaladda nololeed ee dhibka leh u helaan nafis iyo xal.
Caawimaadda wadasheekeysiga
Da’yarka iyo qoyskiisaba waxaan u taageernaa islamarkaasna u caawinaa qaab wadasheekeysi. Xalka waxaan wadajir ula raadinaa da’yarka, qoyska iyo hay’adaha kale ee da’yarka taageera. Waalidiintu xittaa waxay taageeradeena u helayaan arrimaha la xiriira waaldinimada.
Mararka qaar arrinta waxaa lagu xallinkaraa wadasheekeysi gaaban, laakiin waan dhegeysaneynaa wakhti dheer iyo marar badanba illaa iyo inta loo baahanyahay.
Hagaajinta habsami-socodka hurdada
Waxaan da’yarka ka caawineynaa hagaajinta habsami-socodka afar iyo labaatanka saac ee isku qasmay, kaas oo dhibaato ku ah dhigashada dugsiga iyo qabashada arrimaha kale ee nololmaalmeedka.
Taageerada xoroobidda
Waxaan dhallinyarada ka caawinaa in uu iskiis meel u dego iyo u wareegista nolol xor ah.
Taageerada shabakadda
Waxaan qeyb ka nahay Chatka Sekasin oo da’yarku qof qaangaar ah oo lagu kalsoonyahay uu kala sheekeysan karo wax kasta oo qalbiga culeys ku ah.
Taageero deegaan iyo waxqabad mutadawacnimo
Waxaan hirgelinaa waxqabad bulsho oo xoojiya caafimaadka dhallinyarada iyo qoysaska. Waxaan bixineynaa fursado looga qeybgalo wanaajinta adduunka.
Warbixinta guriga ammaanka dhallinyarada oo af Soomaali ku qoran