Large-scale immigration and preparedness

The Finnish Red Cross is prepared to support authorities in responding to extensive immigration throughout the country. The preparedness is based on planning and competence in organising reception operations, which are maintained by the Red Cross around Finland.
The Finnish Red Cross is prepared to support authorities in responding to extensive immigration throughout the country. The preparedness is based on planning and competence in organising reception operations, which are maintained by the Red Cross around Finland.
In April 2018, the Red Cross and the Ministry of the Interior signed a memorandum of cooperation, agreeing on long-standing preparedness and readiness cooperation. This memorandum of cooperation will allow the Red Cross to quickly open more reception units at the request of the authorities, for example in the event of a repeat of the situation of autumn 2015.
In spring 2022, at the request of the Finnish Immigration Service, the Red Cross started setting up new reception units across Finland to help people fleeing Ukraine. At the same time, we received an authority request to increase the capacity of our existing reception centres.
In March 2022, Red Cross employees and trained volunteers also started assisting the authorities with the reception of people arriving in Finland from Ukraine at Helsinki Airport and West Harbour in Helsinki.