Hunger Day collection total result 1.6 million euros

The Hunger Day collection 2024 yielded a total of 1.6 million euros. The donations made to the Finnish Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund allow us to help those who have encountered a crisis in Finland and abroad.
The total result of the Finnish Red Cross Hunger Day collection was 1.6 million euros in 2024.
The funds collected in the Disaster Relief Fund of the Finnish Red Cross help those in need in Finland and abroad. The funds raised on Hunger Day are not earmarked in advance and can therefore be used to help those who have encountered crises or disasters quickly where aid is needed at any given time.
“We would like to thank all the volunteers and donors who participated in the campaign. This result shows that people have a great desire to help people in distress. The collectors and donors participating in Hunger Day make our aid work possible,” says Finnish Red Cross Director of Fundraising Sirpa Solehmainen.
The 2024 Hunger Day box collection was organised on 26–28 September, and the collection accepted donations online between 12 September and 12 October. The collection achieved its objectives.
The campaign period for 2024 was shorter than in previous years.
“Both the ways to donate and fundraising methods have changed due to digitalisation. By shortening the Hunger Day campaign period, we are able to focus our campaign work around box collection, which is familiar to us all,” Solehmainen says.
Disaster Relief Fund used to help those in need and maintain preparedness
The Disaster Relief Fund of the Finnish Red Cross is used to help people who have encountered crises around the world.
“Right now, help is urgently needed due to the crisis in the Middle East, where civilians in various areas are suffering as a result of the conflict. The situation of civilians is abysmal in Gaza, for example. The cold winter temperatures, rains and floods are making the already hopeless situation even more inhumane. We have deployed experienced healthcare aid workers to the Red Cross field hospital in Gaza. The field hospital helps us to respond to critical healthcare needs, which the current conflict has caused,” says Finnish Red Cross Director of International Operations Tiina Saarikoski.
The Finnish Red Cross has supplied a Red Cross field hospital to Gaza along with hospital supplies and aid workers from different fields. The field hospital is part of the Finnish Red Cross’s more extensive relief operations to help those suffering from the Gaza–Israel conflict. The aid work is funded by the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Finnish Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund.
In addition to immediate emergency aid, the Disaster Relief Fund is used to maintain preparedness to help in future crises. For example, the Finnish Red Cross is preparing to deploy a field hospital or clinics to disaster areas and strengthening the readiness of the local Red Cross and Red Crescent societies.
In Finland, the Disaster Relief Fund is used to train volunteers and help people in need after sudden crises or accidents, such as fires. Aid is provided on average three times a week.
“With the help of donations to the Disaster Relief Fund, we are able to help in searching for missing people, provide psychosocial support to those who have encountered a crisis or disaster, procure necessities for those who have lost their homes in a fire and support the authorities in major accidents in Finland,” Solehmainen says.

What is Hunger Day?