Aid to the victims of the crisis in Ukraine
Aid to the victims of the crisis in Ukraine
Select payment method
As a donor you are protecting the most vulnerable. Help is needed both by people in Ukraine and in countries where people have fled.
Other ways to donate
- Text the word SPR15 to the number 16499 (€15)
- via MobilePay to the number 11646
Bank account
Account: OP FI52 5000 0120 4156 73, OKOYFIHH. Recipient: Finnish Red Cross Reference number: 6020.
Your donation helps us to:
- offer financial support to the international aid operation of the Red Cross
- ensure access to water and shelter for those in need
- training volunteers and developing the activities of local branches of the Ukrainian Red Cross
- support primary health care and both the physical and mental rehabilitation of those affected by the conflict
- develope social services in Ukraine.
The Finnish Red Cross supports the International Red Cross's emergency appeal to strengthen the preparedness of the Red Cross in Ukraine and neighbouring areas to provide humanitarian aid on the ground.
The aid is delivered by the local Red Cross and the International Red Cross. Photo: Bernard van Dierendonck / IFRC
We have supported those affected by the conflict in Ukraine by sending aid workers, financial assistance, accommodation and medical supplies, a health clinic and ten mobile health units. We support shelter and accommodation providers with cash assistance.
The need for help remains enormous
Both those living in Ukraine and those who have fled Ukraine will still need help years after the fighting one day ends.
Photo: URCS
Many have lost not only their homes and loved ones, but also their livelihoods. In particular, the needs for primary health care, physical and mental rehabilitation and livelihood will continue for a long time to come.
We will help for as long as help is needed
The Ukrainian Red Cross will be supported for as long as help is needed. Our support includes, among other things, the training of volunteers, the development of social services and financial monitoring.
Examples of help
- For 5 euros you can get 250 water purification tablets.
- For 20 euros, you can get a sleeping mat and 2 blankets for a person who has fled their home.
- For 60 euros, a family of four who has fled their home gets sleeping mats and blankets.