A Red Cross aid worker caring for a baby in a field hospital.

Donor Services

Photo: Emilia Kangasluoma / Suomen Punainen Risti

This page provides answers to frequently asked questions about donations to the Red Cross.

If you cannot find what you are looking for or wish to make changes to your monthly donations agreement, please contact us at lahjoitukset@redcross.fi or call +358 (0)20 701 2192 (Mon–Fri 8.30 am–4.00 pm).

You can also leave a contact or change request using the online forms on this page.

Frequently asked questions about donating

It is easy to make a donation to support the Finnish Red Cross. You can choose between many different payment methods.

Make a one-time donation online

Select the desired donation target and amount

Payment methods: Finnish online banks, Visa and Master credit cards, MobilePay and Siirto.

The payment gateway and payment service are provided by Paytrail Oyj (2122839-7) in cooperation with Finnish banks and credit institutions. Paytrail Oyj, which will be displayed as the recipient of the payment on your bank statement or credit invoice, will forward the payment to the Finnish Red Cross. Paytrail Oyj is authorised to operate as a payment institution. 

Paytrail Oyj
Innova 2
Lutakonaukio 7
40100 Jyväskylä

If you wish to submit a complaint, please primarily contact our Donor Services.

Order an invoice

Companies can also order an invoice. The invoice will be sent within 4–5 business days.

Donate via text message

The donation is charged to your telephone bill, and the operator transfers the donation to the Finnish Red Cross.

Donate to the Disaster Relief Fund via text message

Text SPR20 to the number 16499 to donate €20.

Other amounts: 

  • Donate €5 – Text the word SPR5 to the number 16499.
  • Donate €10 – Text the word SPR10 to the number 16499.
  • Donate €15 – Text the word SPR to the number 16499.
  • Donate €30 – Text the word SPR30 to the number 16499.
  • Donate €40 – Text the word SPR40 to the number 16499.
  • Donate €50 – Text the word SPR50 to the number 16499.

Donate €15 via text message to help victims of the crisis in Ukraine

  • Donate €15 – Text the word SPR15 to the number 16499.

Donate €15 via text message to support activities in Finland

  • Donate €15 – Text the word SPRLAHJA to the number 16499.

This is how you stop receiving text donation requests

We will send our donors text messages at times of catastrophes and campaigns. You can stop receiving text messages by texting the word SPRKIELTO to the number 16499 or by letting us know at lahjoitukset@redcross.fi.

Donation phone numbers

The donation is charged to your telephone bill, and the operator transfers the donation to the Red Cross.

Donate to the Disaster Relief Fund

  • Donate €30 to the Disaster Relief Fund – Call +358 (0)600 12230 (€30.41 + local network charge).
  • Donate €20 to the Disaster Relief Fund – Call +358 (0)600 12220 (€20.52 + local network charge).
  • Donate €10 to the Disaster Relief Fund – Call +358 (0)600 12210 (€10.14 + local network charge).

Donate to support activities in Finland

  • Donate €15  to support activities in Finland – Call +358 (0)600 9 5515 (€15.37 + local network charge).
  • Donate €30  to support activities in Finland – Call +358 (0)600 9 5530  (€30.41 + local network charge).
  • Donate €50  to support activities in Finland – Call +358 (0)600 9 5530  (€50.00 + local network charge).

MobilePay one-time donation

The donation is charged to your bank account or credit card. MobilePay transfers the donation to the Red Cross.

Make a donation to the number:

Please note! The Finnish Red Cross districts and branches also have their own MobilePay donation numbers that direct donations to the Disaster Relief Fund.

MobilePay monthly donation

Donate the desired amount to the Disaster Relief Fund effortlessly every month. Fill in the MobilePay donation form and you will receive a link in the response message to complete your monthly donation in the MobilePay app.

Bank transfer to the Disaster Relief Fund

Donate to the Finnish Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund

  • Account: OP FI52 5000 0120 4156 73, OKOYFIHH. Recipient: Finnish Red Cross. Reference number: 5186.

Other IBAN account numbers and SWIFT/BIC at different banks for donations to the Disaster Relief Fund:

  • Aktia FI18 4055 1110 0013 97, HELSFIHH
  • Danske Bank FI02 8000 1900 2250 05, DABAFIHH
  • Handelsbanken FI18 3131 3001 1990 25, HANDFIHH
  • Nordea FI06 2219 1800 0680 00, NDEAFIHH
  • S-Pankki FI91 3939 0012 3129 30, SBANFIHH
  • Ålandsbanken FI24 6601 0001 0027 99, AABA FI 22

Bank transfer to help victims of the crisis in Ukraine

  • Account: OP FI52 5000 0120 4156 73, OKOYFIHH. Recipient: Finnish Red Cross Reference number: 6020.

Bank transfer to support activities in Finland

Donate to support the Finnish Red Cross activities in Finland

  • Account: OP FI29 5000 0120 4156 99, OKOYFIHH. Recipient: Finnish Red Cross. Reference number: 5335. 

Support the friend activities in particular

  • Account: OP FI29 5000 0120 4156 99, OKOYFIHH. Recipient: Finnish Red Cross. Reference number: 5364.

Support the Youth Shelter activities in particular

  • Account: OP FI29 5000 0120 4156 99, OKOYFIHH. Recipient: Finnish Red Cross. Reference number: 5351.

Other IBAN account numbers and SWIFT/BIC at different banks for donations to activities in Finland:

  • Nordea FI29 1572 3000 3727 30, NDEAFIHH.

As a thank you for your donation, you will receive a comprehensive communication package in accordance with your donation amount when donate more than 400 euros. The materials are available in three languages (Finnish, Swedish and English). You will receive a link to the communication materials after making an online donation or ordering an invoice online.

Example of the Christmas communications material

Communication packages tailored to donation amounts include, for example, social media photos, a signature banner, a donation diploma and electronic Christmas cards.

For those who have made a larger donation (more than 10 000 euros), we offer the opportunity to gain visibility for your sustainability act, videos of aid work and the opportunity to visit the Red Cross logistics centre in Tampere, from where aid supplies are sent to crisis areas around the world.

Do not hesitate to contact us

We would be happy to answer any questions you may have about company donations and our products. Please contact us if you make the donation in any other way, and we will provide you with a link to the communication materials.

Contact us by email at lahjoitukset@redcross.fi or call +358 (0)20 701 2192 (Mon–Fri 8.30 am–4.00 pm). 

A donation made to the Red Cross means concrete aid for those most at risk.

Read how your donation helps.

Face-to-face fundraisers do important work by attracting new monthly donors. Regular donations are necessary for the Red Cross to be able to offer help for vulnerable people in Finland and around the world.

We work in the following localities in weeks 43 and 44:

Changes are possible in the event of rapidly worsening weather conditions.

  • Helsinki (Keskusta, Kamppi, Kluuvi, Jätkäsaari, Meilahti, Munkkiniemi, Munkkivuori, Ruskeasuo, Huopalahti, Haaga, Pitäjänmäki, Kallio, Pasila,  Konala, Pukinmäki, Herttoniemi, Viikki, Töölö,  Kulosaari, Malmi, Koskela, Kumpula, Toukola, Pihlajamäki, Tapaninkylä, Töyrynummi, Siltamäki, Suutarila, Puistola, Heikinlaakso, Suurmetsä, Jakomäki, Lauttasaari, Kalasatama, Vallila, Arabianranta, Oulunkylä, Pakila, Rastila, Ruoholahti, Hakaniemi, Sörnäinen, Vuosaari, Aurinkolahti, Myllypuro, Itäkeskus, Puotila, Kontula, Mellunmäki); Espoo (Keskusta, Leppävaara, Tapiola, Niittykumpu, Piispankylä, Otaniemi, Suomenoja, Westend, Olari, Lystimäki, Suurpelto, Tontunmäki, Mankkaa, Haukilahti, Perkkaa, Matinkylä, Suvela, Kiltakallio, Kulovalkea, Laurinlahti, Espoonlahti, Kivenlahti, Kaitaa, Laaksolahti, Viherlaakso, Finnoo, Saunalahti ); Vantaa (Kivistö, Tikkurila, Martinlaakso, Kaivoksela, Keimolanmäki, Kannisto, Piispankylä, Vantaanpuisto, Vantaankoski, Tyttökumpu, Kivimäki, Perkiö, Vantaanlaakso, Viherkumpu); Porvoo; Lohja; Hyvinkää; Riihimäki; Kerava; Järvenpää; Kouvola;

  • Oulu (Keskusta, Kaakkuri, Raksila, Kaukovainio, Kastelli, Myllyoja, Toppila, Ritaharju, Kaijonharju, Linnanmaa, Peltola, Tuira);

  • Tampere (Keskusta, Hatanpää, Linnainmaa, Hervanta, Annala, Kaleva, Pirkkala, Kääsälä, Takahuhti, Niemi, Lielahti, Lintulampi, Turtola, Hakametsä, Kissanmaa, Messukylä, Lahdesjärvi, Petsamo, Irjala, Pappila, Annala, Solkimäki, Turtola, Vehmainen); Ylöjärvi; Lempäälä; Kurikka; Kangasala; Hämeenlinna;

  • Jyväskylä (Keskusta, Seppälä, Keljonkangas, Ritoniemi, Ristonmaa, Mannila, Keljo, Kangas, Pupuhuhta, Kangasvuori, Savela, Kortepohja, Laajavuori, Myllyjärvi, Mattilanpelto, Kukkumäki, Tarhamäki, Keltinmäki, Muurame, Vaajakoski, Kuokkalanpelto, Jyskä, Tikka, Sulkula, Kylmänoro, Kukkolanpelto, Haapaniemi, Laukka, Kangaslampi, Huhtakeskus, Palokka, Korpilahti); Jämsä; Äänekoski; Saarijärvi; Keuruu; Savolinna; Pieksämäki; Suolahti; Korpilahti;

  • Vaasa (Keskusta, Kivihaka, Smedsby, Klemettilä, Hietalahti, Vöyrinkaupunki, Melaniemi, Palosaari, Ristinummi, Suvilahti, Vanha Vaasa); Pietarsaari; Lapua,

  • Turku (Keskusta, Kupittaa, Vasaramäki); Salo (Keskusta);

  • Kuopio (Keskusta, Savilahti: Prisma & Tokmanni, Haapaniemi Lidl, S Market Tehdaskatu, Kelloniemi, Pirttiniemi, Päiväranta, Kettulanlahti, Petonen, Puijonlaakso); Varkaus: Prisma; Nilsiä: S-Market; Siilinjärvi (S-Market, K-Market); Iisalmi (Prisma); Lapinlahti (S Market); Suonenjoki (S Market); Joensuu (Prisma); Pieksämaki (Prisma); Mikkeli (Prisma).

  • Lahti (Keskusta, Syke-Prisma & K Market, Satama, Nikilänmäki, Ala-Nikkila).

Face2face Creatives alueet, viikko 43:

  • Helsinki (Keskusta, Punavuori, Pasila); Espoo (Karakallio); Hyvinkää; Tampere (keskusta)


How can I be sure that a face-to-face fundraiser is truly working for the Red Cross?

If you encounter a person that talks to you about monthly donations to the Red Cross, you have likely come across one of our face-to-face fundraisers.

Face-to-face fundraisers work in shopping centres, on the streets and at people’s doors. They never enter any home, not even the hallway, since the fundraising permit of face-to-face fundraisers does not allow fundraising in homes.

Our face-to-face fundraisers only request regular monthly donations and are not entitled to accept cash donations. Face-to-face fundraisers will ask for the donor’s bank account number for the monthly donation authorisation required by banks in order to start regular donations. Face-to-face fundraisers work from Monday through to Saturday.

Face-to-face fundraisers are permanently present in some towns, but only visit others for a day or two.

How can I recognise a Red Cross face-to-face fundraiser?

Our face-to-face fundraisers wear blue vests equipped with the Red Cross logo.

Face-to-face fundraisers are employees of the Finnish Red Cross. They come equipped with

  • a name tag with a photo and fundraising permit
  • a red and white Red Cross folder
  • appropriate material with monthly donation forms.
  • Our face-to-face fundraisers register donations both on tablets and with paper authorisation forms. 

The blue vest separates face-to-face fundraisers from Red Cross volunteer box collectors who always wear a red vest.

Kriisi on uusi normaali -kamppanja (Face2face Creatives)

Face2face Creatives hankkii Suomen Punaiselle Ristille kuukausilahjoittajia pääkaupunkiseudulla ja lähialueilla. He tekevät erityistä Kriisi on uusi normaali -kampanjaa.
Yrityksen työntekijät tunnistaa Suomen Punaisen Ristin kuvallisesta henkilökortista. He käyttävät sisätiloissa myös valkoisia "poltettuja" huppareita. 

Yritys vastaa omista työntekijöistään. Kysymykset voi osoittaa F2F-koordinaattori Tuomas Mattilalle, p. 040 194 5955, tuomas.mattila@punainenristi.fi.


If you are unsure about a Red Cross face-to-face fundraiser who visited your door, you can check the matter by calling the Red Cross +358 (0)20 701 2000 (Mon–Fri 8.30 am–4 pm). You can also send your question to lahjoitukset@redcross.fi.

Three Red Cross face-to-face fundraisers standing on a street with red folders and wearing blue Red Cross face-to-face fundraiser vests.
Photo: Eeva Anundi / Suomen Punainen Risti

We deliver aid reliably to crisis areas around the world and in Finland supported by our extensive experience.

Clothing and goods donations produce funds for aid work, but they are also sent directly to support vulnerable people.

Read more about donating clothes and goods.

Donating to the Red Cross is a great and easy way of showing social responsibility.

Read more about company donations.

Making a will to the benefit of the Red Cross enables the continuation of charity and aid to support future generations. 

Here you can find basic information about making a will and a bequest.

A celebration coming up? Ask your friends and family to donate to a cause important to you. A dedicated collection is also a beautiful way of honouring the memory of a loved one.

Set up an online fundraiser

As a digital fundraiser, you can participate in helping in Finland and abroad. Companies can set up a collection for their staff or cooperation partners, too. Share the online collection on social media and via email.

Instructions and tips for an online fundraiser

Collect using bank transfers

If online collecting seems too technical, you can also collect the traditional way by directing funds to the Red Cross bank account. Instructions:

1. Provide those participating in your special day with the account number for your donation target

  • The Finnish Red Cross’s Disaster Relief Fund: OP FI52 5000 0120 4156 73
  • Supporting Red Cross activities in Finland: OP FI29 5000 0120 4156 99

2. Ask participants to enter the name of the special day in the message field, e.g. ‘Bob’s 60th Birthday’ 

3. Enter information concerning the special day on the form  and submit it to us.

  • You will be informed of the results of the collection if you tell us of the special day collection before the participants make their donations.
  • PLEASE NOTE! If you want to direct the donations to victims of the crisis in Ukraine or Youth Shelters, for example, add this information on the form under ‘Lisätietoja’ (additional information).

4. You will be informed of the donated sum approximately two weeks after the event by email. 

People wish to help in different ways, which is why we offer various means of donation and communicate about our aid work in many channels. For many people, the letters, calendars, lottery tickets and postcards we send by post are the preferred way of helping and receiving information.

Donating and receiving this kind of mail is always voluntary. Receiving the mail does not oblige you to anything.

How are the funds received through mailing used?

The profits from mailings – such as postcard, advent calendar and lottery ticket sales – are used to support the domestic aid work of the Finnish Red Cross. Your donation helps support the training of friend activity volunteers, keep our Youth Shelters open around the year and provide first aid skills. You contribute to ensuring that helpers are always available.

How can I stop receiving mailings?

You can stop receiving mailings here.

If you have any questions about mailings, you can contact us via email lahjoitukset@redcross.fi or by phone +358 (0)20 701 2192 (Mon–Fri 8.30 am–4 pm).

Do I need to pay the invoice I received in the post?

The bank transfer form is not an invoice; payment is voluntary.

Do I need to return the delivery?

No you do not. Due to cost savings, a return envelope is not included in the delivery. You can keep the materials or sort them into the paper recycling bin.

The Finnish Red Cross is committed to protecting the privacy of its clients. We value your trust. 

Here you can find our data protection principles, the terms and conditions regarding the use of our website and our register statements.

Contact forms